Race #1 of '09 is in the books for me. It was the Morgantown Road Race brought to us by the Back Yard Bike Club right here in Mo-Town.
I woke up super early, 5:30am with that excited race day feeling in my stomach. I knew the weather was going to be iffy and sure enough when I poked my head out the door the rain was coming down and the temps were in the low 40's. Not ideal race weather but I knew things would turn around eventually.
Got fulled up with the usual race day french toast, eggs, turkey bacon and FRS. Then it was time to pick up St
ephen and do the short drive to Mason Dixon Park. I love local races, much easier. We arrived at the venue about 9:30am and picked out a prime staging spot in front of one of the pavilions. It was still cold and rainy but my last look at the radar showed clearing conditions on the horizon. Nate arrived just behind us and the Hobbs'es were not too far behind. We quickly got registered and good thing too, cause there was quite a crowed that showed up for this super cool race. A sizable line quickly formed at the registration table.
As we were getting geared up and trying to stay warm we saw lots of big boy's (pro's) showing up. Most noticeable to us was Jeremiah Bishop (Cannondale/H-D), some guys from the Kelly Benefit team and others. Big guns in the 1/2/3 class for sure. With the big turn out it was clear the race would not go off at the original start time of 11:00am and that was alright with me. More time for the temps to go up and the roads to dry off.
Things finally got going around noon and the weather was rapidly improving. This was by far the largest group I've ever road/raced with by far. I would guess there were 50-60 riders in the 4/5 group alone. I think there were close to 300 in total, sweet! So, having a few races under my belt I knew the front of this large pack was the place to be. Got lined up in the front with Ryan, Dr. T, and Robbie.
The start was smooth for me but I heard there was some shenanigans on the Bridge right off the bat, strategy working so far. The peleton stayed together all the way to Waynesburg. It was very interesting riding in the pack. I don't know if most of those guys have ridden in a group before or not, but there seemed to be some real tense people and quite a few close calls. There was no organization at all despite attempts from Dr. T's, myself and others trying to organize a pace line. But oh well, no damage done. Once we got passed Waynesburg on Sugar Run
Rd. the fireworks started and the pack was blown apart on the climbs. I fell off the back of the lead group on the first climb but kept them within sight. I was able to close the gap but then got separated on the second hill which was quite steep but not too long. Nate was putting on a good show. Boy was climbing like a champ and looked to be in good form despite a unfortunate training incident on the Wed. Night Ride. No other friends were able to make the jump.
At this point I was in no man's land, all alone for a long while putting on a hard chase to catch the leaders that were still within sight. Not a good place to be. Had to use lots of power and energy, bad, bad, bad. But I was able to close the gap again on Rudolph Run Rd. just before the last sizable climb. I was purty gassed from the chase but got some rest sitting in for a few miles. I was able to hang on the last climb. At this point I knew the big ups were out of the way and I could put out some power on the rollers down Big Shannon and back to M-D park. So, at the top of Little Shannon I decided to put on an attack down the decent and hope a couple folks came along to work with. I got away and bombed down the twisty decent using my mad mtn bike skills. I had a real nice gap at the bottom and on the flats but alas, I was all alone again. Not good. So, I shut it down and headed back to the group.....Dang! At least I gave it a shot.
It all ended in a group sprint. I found myself on the front coming down the stretch, not ideal position, shoulder to shoulder with Nate. I didn't have enough gas in the tank for a strong sprint. Too much chasing. But Nate threw it down and got second on the sprint. Good job kid. We thought he got second but ended up third. A guy was able to sneak away for a solo. I don't think anyone even knew he got away. There was lots of traffic to fight through and lots of potholes to navigate. I may have got the top 10 but not sure yet. It might be awhile before final results are out. Lots of numbers to sort through I'm sure. All and all I'm pretty pleased with it. I knew the climbs would be critical but I didn't give up and finished with the leaders. And I had a great time on a fun course. Good job BYBC, thanks for your hard work.
The rest of the crew......I think Steve finished within the top 15 to 20 of the 1/2/3 class and was stoked about racing the new Trek Madone. Real good considering all the talent and power there. Ryan finished a few minutes behind my group and had a good time and a smile on his face. Jeremy couldn't make it today. The shop couldn't spare him, bummer. We missed ya dude.
Next week.......Big Bear Race. YaaaaHoooo! Fat tire time.
Fun Race! It was sketchy in the pack, I think it was due to the road conditions and that there were inexperienced riders... the combination. I remember two occasions... one someone on the right just swerved hard into the pack, to avoid a pothole when he did not have the room, I think a couple people bumped and others had to weave a bit, I was just forward so I did not see it directly but I did have to weave a couple feet to stay in line with the peleton and not bump to hard with other riders.
ReplyDeleteThe second time was in front of me 3 riders, a guy swerved to the right to miss a pothole (I was on the right) and he slid out causing his body and bike to fall back in towards the group, he landed with one foot but the guy in front of me came to a screeching halt and I had to brake causing all kinds of havoc behind me, but nobody plowed into the mess as I feared.
I tried to stay near the front about 4 or so riders back, watching the road and for any break aways. I just wanted to ride in the cover from the wind and let whoever wanted to, pull.
Good job up on the front pulling, that must have been some tough wind, I could hear big gusts whistling down the sides of the group and we would all slow down dramatically. I was keeping cozy.
Did that weekend really happen? I sure don't remember much! lol!
ReplyDeleteAnd you guys pulled it off so smooth. Didn't even let em see ya sweat. Good job JR, can't wait for Big Bear. Give'n that sport class a go?