Team RowMan+ got some tough man miles in the last couple of days.
Wednesday we couldn't make the Wednesday Night'r so we put together our own ride. Strong group of riders (Steve, Jeremy, Nate, Robbie and myself) headed out to do Fort Martin/Taylertown loop with Bobtown climb thrown in for some fun. Started out with a pretty steady rain to get things nice and wet and maintained a nice drizzle for awhile. For anyone that doesn't know, those road are not the cleanest in wet conditions thanks to the coal mines. Check out the filthy group after a couple hours in the wet.

Today was the Thursday Shop ride. I headed out a little early to catch up on some ride time. Got some rain early but it didn't really make it through the canopy. Trails were in good condition with a bit of mud but not enough to make it greasy. The HiFi was feeling especially dialed in. Hooked up with the group at the usual time. Attendees: Colin, Jeremy, Nate, Robbie, Jake, Bala and Ryan P.
We started out going up Spaghetti
which is always a challenging way to start out a ride. After stopping for a flat change it was on to break in the new trail a lil more. Jake did some leading after that and kept the pace up. Look'n strong kid!.........Then the new trail in opposite direction and then the sky opened up. Thunder, lightning and hard winds. Not a good combination in the woods. We had a real interesting decent to the gate but all the troops made in in one piece.

The team will be heading down to Eleanor, WV for WVMBA#4, Creek to Peak. The brothers and I will be turning Ma and Pa Chappy's place into a biking Bed and Breakfast since they live about 30 min. away. Sweet, short drive on race day.
See ya at the races,
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