Team RowMan+ brings home the $ @ Tour de Lake.
Jeremy came through with win number 2 of this young season. The team headed down to Spencer, WV this weekend for WVMBA #3. We were one short cause Coach had some family obligations and couldn't make the trip...........Props to Myra for getting her Masters.
It was another cold, wet day in the WVMBA series, but again there was improvement over the '08 season. There was significantly less mud and water this time around. The temps were a bit lower, especially early on. However, just after the start the sun came out and brought it up to optimal racing temp.
The start time got pushed back a half hour so, the flag didn't drop until 12:30. The start was a lil different this year. We lined up just short of the road climb going up the dam to the upper parking lot. I thought we started further down the road last year before we hit the uber steep road climb but I could be wrong. It was pretty tight going up the climb and through the parking lot. I didn't get a great start, got pinched on the start. I was probably around mid-pack and I could see Jeremy and Nate closer to the front and could feel Steve on my wheel. After the parking lot we went onto a brand new section of trail instead of going up the fire road. It was a nice trail but things were still a little crowed to squeeze everyone onto some single track. Add to that the greasy wet sections on a climb and that equalled a line of racers hiking up the hill.
After I got off the new trail and back on the fire road I could no longer see Jeremy and Nate's group, lost too much time stuck in traffic and pushing my bike. Once on the fire road I popped it in the big ring and took advantage of the flat terrain to get around a few folks before the single track. When I hit the single track I was feeling a little better about my position and focused on the tight single track and staying in my zone. I got around a couple more then Steve Hill came around me. I was happy to see him cause I knew he is familiar with the trails and would be a good wheel to follow.
Then, I got wrench thrown into my plans. Well, more like a small stick. The little bastard jumped right into my cassette and womped my derailleur tab.............Dang! Bad luck........It got me good cause I could only stay in a couple of the middle cogs. So, I stopped to switch out tabs.........Double Dang!.........I forgot to pack a wrench that could would work on the reassessed derailleur bolt. I tried to bend it back a bit with little success. At this point all the experts had passed by me and most of the sport guys. Eventually, I was able to bum a wrench and got a new tab on. By this time could see the beginners coming up the trail. I was way back. I considered throwing in the towel for a second then I thought what the hell, I'd just go out and have a good time. I
figured I was at least in contention for some series points. So off I went.
There was lots of traffic but I tried to be patient and pass when it was safe. The rest of my race was pretty uneventful. Completed the first lap and was feeling good and kept it up climbing the fire road on the second lap. Once on top hit the big ring and cranked it out. At that point I was determined not to be last in the expert class. It was all about pride at that point. I finially finished in just over 2:20 and 10th in men's expert. some series points.
That was my first mechanical of the year. Last year at this point I had more than I could count. Improvement is good. Evan though I lost about 15-20 min and was off the back, I still had a good time and enjoyed riding the sweet trails around Charles Fork Lake.
The rest of the team did well. As previously mentioned, Jeremy took home the gold with a time of 1:43.........That's moving man! Great job J. I think the new hair-do cut off some time.
So, that makes 4 victories for Team RowMan+ thus far this season. Looks like all those hours in the cold and ice and trainer time this winter is paying off. Hard work does pay off kids.
Next stop, Creek to Peak.
See ya at the races,
Great job boys!! Congrats J!!! Sorry about the bad luck least that is your one mechanical for the year, right? I know I got mine out of the way at the 12 hr race, lol.