So I kept spinning the wheels, and a few mins later I could see Robbie again so we started riding together and having a good time killin' the downhills. Man can that boy ride! He made me scare my self a few times as we hit 48.5 mph on one of them... kinda crazy when theres
gravel and grass in the rode. Anyway, Robbie and I contiued to have a great ride as we hit the bottom of the last major climb, Sugarlands. It's stupid steep and long... Yea it's pretty dumb, but great. As we were coming to the bottom of the climb, a couple people came up behind us, and I decided the legs are feeling good. I finally opened them up a little and to see what I had. Well I was able to put over 5 minutes on the group. I was with, and pass over 20 people up. It made me feel alittle better about myself for the day. Josh pulled out like 17th, think I was 21st. All in all, a good day for a bike ride on some great WV Mountain Roads.

Next up, The 24hrs of Big Bear... well, for this year's addition it was just me. I found me a spot on the WVMBA Dream Team Roster, along side Chris M., Gunner S., and Steve H. All very fast guys, and I had some big shoes to fill to being on this team. I met Steve H. on Friday night to camp in
the oh so pro suite in same spot as last year. We got there around 6pm to set up camp, and to go out for about an hour to spin the legs out. The course was fairly muddy. We just hoped it would dry out for the next day. The night club kept it interesting all night as always. The next day, noon rolls around and we somehow suckered Chris into running the first lap. He turned in a good first lap top 10, and then off rolled Gunner. He smoked a lap out and we were now setting in 2nd exp at this point. I took out on a pretty good pace, but not killer...just trying to catch the 360 team from Kansas that was leading us. As I hit the final climb before the rock garden I could see him ahead. I made the pass on the climb and got a good little gap. He closed the gap on the next down hill and we rode together to the rock garden. As soon as I got there, I wasted no time and ran the garden and got another little gap on him. I was then able to get out of his sight up the climb which puts us in 1st exp 3rd overall. When I came in on that lap, I handed off to Steve H. He got out and turned a super fast lap and put us into 1st overall. From that point we never looked back. We did get some heat in the middle of the night from the 360 and WV Night club boys, but we opened the gap back up the next morning. Gunner went out and took are last parade lap. He had a couple flats but no Heart Attacks so we were able to take the win by around 20mins. The Womens Dreamteam was able to pick up the win, and girled almost every team out there... Good Job Girls! Thanks and Congrats to JR for setting up this killer team and his team for winning the full grown man class.

Thanks to Robbie L for keepin the superfly and hifi running all night long!

photos by Theresa Svoboda
Next up for team Rowman+
Appalachian Classic
Barbour DeTour
Race to lil Moe's Place
Product Review: Raced a new pair of Bontrager Race X Lite Mtb Shoes for the 24hr race. Never got a chance to wear them before the race so was a little scared but they performed flawlessly. Put 50+ fast miles on them and the feet felt great. No hot spots, sores, or blisters.
Rock on Nate
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