Yea, it was back to the races this weekend. This episode takes us westward to the Challenge at Mountwood. I would like to emphasis the word CHALLENGE. First, I want to flash back to last year(insert visual effect here)...........This was my first official WVMBA race and I can't remember much from the '08 version. Mostly because I was meditating in the pain box most of the day. I did recall cold, wet weather, mud and lots of going up but strangely not much descending. At one point I thought I had crossed into the bizzarro world. But after it was all over I somehow had a smile on my face and couldn't wait to do it all again..........I'd caught the sickness.

Flash forward............So with all my vast experience I knew what the forecast was.........PAIN! After a week of steady rain and not to mention a bout with the hog virus that kept me off the bike all week I knew it would be a tough day for myself. But I was for some reason still excited for race day.
Picked up the boys and hit the road early. Leaving Morgantown there was a good steady rain. There was a lot of grumbling about the sucky weather and some talk about going home and crawling back into bed. But we pressed on. By the time we got to the venue the rain had stopped and the temps were in the 50's. Not to shabby. Last year I think it was sleeting before race time. Vast improvement.
Did the pre-race thing that seems to run much smoother this year. There seemed to be a good showing for the WVMBA/OMBC combined event. Not the 300+ expected. I suspect there may have been some fair weather racers. Before I knew it, it was high noon.........Race time.
I got one of the best starts I've had thus far. I hit the big ring on a flat section off the start and was able to pull around a number of folks. I was shocked to be on the tail of the lead group. I saw Jeremy and Nate up ahead with Gunnar, Ben Ort, Dave "Blue Jeans" Walker and maybe one or two more. At one point, I looked up and saw some jerk in the gutter splashing a tidal wave on everyone. Then I saw that jerk was Jeremy, I had to laugh to myself. I guess rubb'n is race'n.
After we hit the single track the leaders were gone but I held strong for awhile but could feel the effects from the fast start creeping in. Had a couple of stumbles and some weird breathing/wheezing problems and the next thing I knew I was getting passed up by like five or six dudes. Ryan motored past me as well as Steve, wished them luck and just tried to keep it in the zone. Things were going well, passed one or two, got passed by one. Then, just before the start of the second lap the wheels started to come off and I crepted into the pain box. I blame the hog flu. Second lap was like a mud bog. Greasy mud that made turning hard and climbing even harder. I bonked! It hurt! I lost a lot of time. Then the cramps started. I was begging for the finish line but it just didn't come. After like an eternity I came around to the line and felt like laying down in my grave.
Saw Jeremy at the team tent and he was holding his arm, had torn shorts and looked like death warmed over. A vast improvement over myself. I thought he must have crashed out or something, but kid pulled out a podium spot, 3rd. He's an animal. Coach came in 6th and Nate "To Fast" got in the $ for 5th. Great job boys! Stephen had a visit from the flat tire monster and had to DNF. Been there dude, you'll get'em next time.
As predicted there was abundant pain going around. Heard Gunnar went down hard, could hear his scream all the way back where I was. Nate said he bonked hard. To many interesting stories to tell. Hope everyone had as much fun as I did ;o)
On a mechanical note, the Bontrager ACX tires preformed great in the muddy conditions. Great tire for the soft trails. And check out J's new wheelset........Gold Hope hubs, Stan's Arch rims w/gold nipples.........Hot. And the Rowands Bontrager kicks.

No racing next weekend, except for Ryan who is going to the 12hrs of Creek to Peak. Good luck big guy. Next Team RowMan+ stop will be the Tour de Lake in two weeks.

See ya at the races,