Saturday I slept in for the first time in quite a long time. Had to try to shake the time change slump. Didn't have any pressing business to take care of so I just goofed off on the computer, drank coffee and read some VeloNews. Took me awhile to figure out how to get the gadget to work on the blog. I exhausted all my limited computer know-how with no success. But I final won the battle. Ended up being so much easier than I was making it. We are taking music requests (within reason)........want to keep the people happy.
After that it was time for some bike maintenance and simple repairs. Got on the stationary torture device or some interval work. Then it was off to the shop on the E to the X to pick up some supplies and the crew. After the Rowand's got off work we headed out to Bakers for a few laps in the day light. Only road for about an hour cause we wanted to save some go juice for Sunday's trip to Big Bear.
We went our own ways and I was pumped to go to Black Bear with Anna. I had a Pizzadilla and a Rogue Juniper Pale Ale at it was de-lish as usual. Anna had Thai One On with shrimp which was very good too. I like it a loooooooot.
Sunday it was up early to load gear for Big Bear. Picked up Steve and met up with the rest of Team RowMan+ with addition of Auvid at Bob Evan's a pre-ride fuel up. There was a whole table full of food. I had the whole grain pancakes, biscuits and bacon. Carbs and grease (protein), reserves were topped off.
Got to Big Bear a little before noon and it was cool and drizzly. As we were gearing up the rest of the days group showed up. The Talbot's, Robbie and Laura and James. After everyone was ready the girls drove up the road to start their own ride and the guys rallied up to discuss the route.
There was quite a collection of fine bikes in the group. Two SuperPimpFlys, 2 69er's (last years and this years), Specialized FSR 29er and 1 Canny Caffine 29er. Lots of big wheels with a couple small ones thrown in for good measure. In my opinion, 29er in should be the bike of choice around Big Bear area.
Robbie led us out on some new/old trails, many of which I've never been on before. Some of the new trail required some hike a bike but has promise to be a technical masterpiece. I hear Benji has something to do with the design and it shows. He's like the Jack Nicolas of trail design, everyone wants to get on the course.
We circled back around to the parking lot just in time for Jeremy to fix a flat but not before Dr. Talbot smacked both the boys off the top tube. He was in a crumbled hump for a few minutes but was able to suck it up and ride on. He better give himself a self inspection to make sure everything is still where it's suppose to be.
Then we headed out to to some of the 24hr course by way of a trail that paralleled the road then ducked in behind the store. Both of which I've never road before. Good, challenging trails. Thanks for taking the lead Rob.
Once on the 24hr loop we had a few stops for mechanicals which for once
I had nothing to do with. First, Ryan had the largest gash I've seen on a tire in quite some time. There was a rumor that Brian shanked it after some sketchy rub move Ryan put on him while trying to pass. It took many minutes and gel wrappers to fix it. Next, a couple turn of the cranks later Robbie just about ripped off his front derailleur. But with his massive mechanic skills he was able to roll out with a 1x9.
We got rolling again just in time for the sick, fun decent. Again, the big wheels roll over stuff so smooth, especially at speed. Eventually, after descending and ascending we ran into the ladies ride. After a short chat the groups split up and Team RowMan+ headed back to the parking lot via parallel trail. 
The rest of the group was heading to eat some SweatyMex while Steve and I headed home. Steve had to pack for his trip to Ireland and I got home in time to watch the final stage of the "Race to the Sun" and eat a large bowl of spaghetti and meatballs. I thought The Condor was going to pull it out for awhile there. He lost the race because he forgot to eat and bonked. How the hell do you do that at that level? Oh well, Lance made the same mistake before and there are plenty of more shots for victory. Alberto's new Madone looked HOT!
What a good weekend. Almost 7 hours of riding in two days..........Right now it's two days later and I've take a couple recovery days before cranking it up again for this week. Maybe Steve will have some stories for us when he returns from the Emerald Coast. I'm enjoying some Guinness for St. Patrick's Day but I'm sure their not as tasty as the ones he's drinking. Lucky punk!
One more thing. I'm considering making a new bike purchase. Passably a HiFi 29'er to replace the Fuel EX, I need to move a few things around to make it happen. Stay tuned to see if I can pull it out.
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